
2019-05-15 22:52:18 · 作者:编辑部  
2019西北大学怎么样_好不好 2019留学选学校时,西北大学怎么样和西北大学好不好是同学们十分关心的问题,以下是大学生必备网为大家整理的西北大学相关评价,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、院校概况 西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)—比常青藤盟校更具职业导向的“Big Ten”成员西北大学这所被认为在中西部最为精英的顶级大学,是美国十大名校联盟中唯一的一所私立学校





西北大学(Northwestern University)—比常青藤盟校更具职业导向的“Big Ten”成员





· This university has a Bachelors of Science in Nursing which is important to me. There are not a lot of schools in the area that offer this program without already having an Associates degree in Nursing. I have not started the actual nursing program yet but as I stated previously, the clinical/practical is completed in another country with a Mission emphasis. I have heard from other students that it is tough program but really awesome.

· Most classes are praised by the students. The nursing program is very popular.

· One thing that is very unique, but I love, is I don't have exams. Now it isn't easy, but there is a reason to it. Since my major is Criminal Justice, they go about doing critical thinking and short answers/essays. That's because law enforcement does more critical thinking in their every day job. So they base things off on how well you articulate your answers. This is just for the major classes though. The workload is very reasonable, along with the grading. I love it. But then again I love my major so I am having fun with school!

· The professors are great and very fair. They respond within good time and help you along the way. The policy of the door is always open is very evident. I love the curriculum, but then again I love what my major is so that helps a lot.

· Northwest University isn't a very populated school so there is a very good student to teacher ratio. Therefore, there is more opportunities to have one on one sessions with the teachers to get the most out of the class.

· Northwest University offers an excellent range of majors from business to pastoral ministries as well as a very good nursing program.

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