
2021-10-12 15:39:31 · 作者:编辑部  



  范文:The Silk Route is an important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean in history. Since silk accounted for a large proportion of trade along this route, in 1877, it was named the Silk Route by an eminent German geographer. In the meantime, this route served as an artery of exchange for many other products, and more importantly, their technology. One of the most significant objects introduced to China via the Silk Route is Buddhism. Chinese techniques of silkworm breeding, iron smelting and irrigation spread to Central and Southern Asia and to Europe.

  翻译词汇:丝绸之路 the Silk Route

  地中海 the Mediterranean

  杰出的 eminent

  地理学家 geographer

  交易 exchange

  主干线 artery

  养蚕 silkworm breeding

  生铁锻造 iron smelting

  灌溉 irrigation


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