2022年12月英语六级必备范文:Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?

2022-11-15 03:01:30 · 作者:编辑部  
找大学在线英语六级频道为备考的同学们整理了2022年12月英语六级必备范文:Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?,希望可[db:内容简介]

  找大学在线英语六级频道为备考的同学们整理了2022年12月英语六级必备范文:Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?,希望可以为大家带来帮助,一起来学习一下吧。

  2022年12月英语六级必备范文:Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?

  Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?

  1. 大学生毕业找工作难,有人开始宣扬高等教育无用论

  2. 反驳说明这一观点是错的

  3. 得出结论

  In the current climate of rising college fees and tight job market, the functions of higher education is arousing public concern. Having a degree or not seems not to make any difference to our life and may not necessarily guarantee a good job and income.

  Students who attend higher education obtain a wide range of personal, financial and other lifelong benefits. First of all, the whole experiences of university life including all the academic lectures and social practices forge our personality and cultivate such virtues as cooperativeness and openness. In addition, according to the statistics, there is a trendy correlation between higher level of education and higher earnings despite the fierce job hunting competition. University is a huge advantage if we need to acquire expertise to practice in a meaningful profession.

  In my opinion, it would be wise to attend university. Having a decent degree and being broadly intelligent may not guarantee us success, but it makes us a candidate.

  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Live with a Goal by commenting on the French writer Alexander Dumas,remark,“Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

  Live with a Goal

  According to the French writer Alexander Dumas, living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. It signifies that without a goal, one would live a passive life~just like the dead water in a muddy lake.

  Frankly speaking, to live with a goal is of tremendous significance to one’ s life. For one thing, a proper aim helps foster the realization of the visions, as people are better motivated when they want to attain the goal they set for themselves and have a sense of fulfillment when they succeed. For another, by setting goals one could take good control of his/her life, without wasting time or energy being confused about what to do. With a clear direction and certain plans, one will readily get what he/she wants.

  Consequently, we could draw the conclusion that we should live with a target, as a goal—oriented life is an active way of living. Without a clear purpose, we might feel at sea, squandering our time and opportunities.

  以上是找大学在线英语六级频道小编为大家带来的“2022年12月英语六级必备范文:Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?”,希望考生们都能备考顺利,取得优异的成绩。

2022年12月英语六级必备范文:Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?

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