2022下半年英语六级作文范文点评之The Rewards of the Professions

2022-11-20 10:01:24 · 作者:编辑部  

  要想写好英语六级作文,首先要有丰富的英语知识的积累,扎扎实实的英语学习功底,这是写好英语六级作文的基础。另外平时一定要多学习别人的写作方法和写作思路,这里找大学在线英语六级频道为备考英语六级的小伙伴们整理了“2022下半年英语六级作文范文点评之The Rewards of the Professions”的内容,大家一起来学习一下吧。


  2022下半年英语六级作文范文点评之The Rewards of the Professions

  The Rewards of the Professions

  The probability that any person should ever be qualified for the employment to which he is educated, is very different in different occupations. In the greater part of mechanic trades, success is almost certain; but very uncertain in the liberal professions. Put your son apprentice to a shoemaker, there is little doubt of his learning to make a pair of shoes, but send him to study the law, it is at least twenty to one if ever he makes such a proficiency as it will enable him to live by the business. In a perfectly fair lottery, those who draw the prizes ought to gain all that is lost by those who draw the blanks. In a profession where twenty fail for one that succeeds, that one ought to gain all that should have been gained by the unsuccessful nineteen ones. The counselor at law, who, perhaps, at near forty years of age, begins to make something by his profession, ought to receive the retribution, not only of his own so tedious and expensive education, but of that of more than ten others who are never likely to make anything by it. How extravagant the fees of counselors at law may sometimes appear, their real retribution is never equal to this.

  Those professions keep their level, however, with other occupations, and notwithstanding these discouragements, all the most generous and liberal spirits are eager to crowd into them. Two different causes contribute to recommend them. First, the desire of the reputation which attends upon superior excellence in any of them; and, secondly, the natural confidence which every man has, more or less, not only in his own abilities, but in his own good fortune①.

  To excel in any profession, in which but few arrive at mediocrity, is the most decisive mark of what is called genius or superior talents. The public admiration which attends upon such distinguished abilities,makes always a part of their reward;a greater or smaller in proportion as it is higher or lower in degree.It makes a considerable part of it in the profession of physic;a still greater perhaps in that of law;in poetry and philosophy it makes almost the whole.

  [377 words]









  mechanic n. 技工,机修工

  apprentice n. 学徒,徒弟

  proficiency n. 熟练,精通

  lottery n. ①抽彩给奖法②碰运气的事,难于算计的事

  counselor n. 顾问, 法律顾问

  tedious a. 乏味的,单调的,冗长的

  extravagant a. ①奢侈的,铺张的②过度的,过分的

  retribution n. 报偿

  notwithstanding prep.& ad. 尽管

  generous a. ①慷慨的,大方的②宽厚的,宽宏大量的

  mediocrity n. 平常, 平庸之才

  decisive  a. ①决定性的②坚定的,果断的,决断的

  philosophy n. ①哲学②哲理,人生哲学,见解


  ①【注释】more or less 差不多,几乎

  【临摹】I’ve more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多已经把这本书看完了。


  As you sow, you shall mow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

  A good dog deserves a good bone. 好狗应啃好骨头。/有功者受赏。

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