
2022-12-11 10:00:04 · 作者:编辑部  




  36.D) A behavior that does not conform to social norms may be described as being deviant.

  37.J)Various experiments found that participants who cheated in the initial task performed better in the creativity test.

  38.B)People may be simply considered evil if their behaviors are morally unacceptable to us.

  39.G)The research published by two scientists was intended to examine the relationship between dishonesty and creativity,

  40. A) The author's lectures sparked lively discussions in his class.

  41. I) The researchers tested the participants' creativity by asking them to play a word game.

  42.K) It is time we realized that deviance may be capable of doing both good and harm to individuals and society.

  43.C)The reasons for people's evil behaviors can be explained in more ways than one.

  44.H) The math task in one experiment was designed to test participants' tendency to cheat.

  45. F)Some creativeideas have turned out to do harm to human society.


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